Another series Bechdel tested! Particular thanks to Abby (cafekreludor) for the help on Seasons 5-7.
I am using the same method as I did with the Deep Space Nine results, as follows:
- The first percentage indicates the result if you require that the two female characters clearly address each other, even in group scenes.
- The second percentage (in brackets) indicates the adjusted pass rate if you include any episode where two women characters have back-to-back lines about something other than a man. This turned out to be much less important in Voyager as even in group scenes, female characters were often clearly addressing Janeway or vice versa.
- An asterisk in the episode list shows which episodes pass under the second test but not the first.
Voyager does really well overall. But one thing Abby noted is that there were hardly any women of colour recurring guest stars or named background characters, compared to TNG and DS9 where we had Guinan, Nurse Ogawa, Keiko and Molly, Kasidy, and several one-shot characters like Ensign Taitt. The Memory Alpha page on Voyager’s recurring characters confirms this.
Total: 87.5% Pass (89.2%)
Season 1: 93.8% Pass (93.8%)

Episode | Pass? | Notes |
Caretaker | Pass | Janeway talks to Kes about how to get down to rescue Kim and Torres/Torres and Janeway argue about getting home. |
Parallax | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about the job of Chief Engineer and geek out over the singularity and warp particles |
Time and Again | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about tricorder readings |
Phage | Pass | Seska, Torres and Janeway discuss engineering stuff |
The Cloud | Pass | Janeway takes a stroll through Engineering and assures Torres it’s not an inspection |
Eye of the Needle | Pass | Janeway and Torres discuss engineering stuff/Janeway and Kes also talk, but only about the Doctor |
Ex Post Facto | Fail | Janeway is in scenes with Kes and Torres but they don’t really talk |
Emanations | Pass | Janeway gives orders to Torres and Seska/Ptera talks to Janeway about what happens when people die/Kes and Ptera talk about the afterlife |
Prime Factors | Pass | Janeway tells Torres not to steal the aliens’ technology/Torres and Seska try to figure out how the tech works and talk about stealing it |
State of Flux | Pass | Kes asks Seska why she hasn’t submitted her blood for her medical file/Janeway and Torres talk about how long it will take to manipulate a containment field |
Heroes and Demons | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about issues with the transporter and about the photonic beings they encounter |
Cathexis | Pass | Janeway talks to Torres about the warp core and to Kes about an alien presence on the ship |
Faces | Pass | The two sides of Torres talk to each other |
Jetrel | Pass | Janeway talks to Torres about a containment field |
Learning Curve | Pass | Janeway talks to Torres about the bio-neural gel packs and to the Beatrice hologram about needlepoint |
Season 2: 92.3% Pass (92.3%)

Episode | Pass? | Notes |
The 37s | Pass | Janeway talks to Torres about the bodies in stasis and to Amelia Earhart about Voyager |
Initiations | Pass | Janeway talks to Torres about Kazon debris and has a quick exchange with Kes about a micro-generator |
Projections | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about repairing the warp core |
Elogium | Pass | Janeway and Kes talk about the elogium/Janeway and Torres talk about modifying the main deflector |
Non Sequitur | Pass | Janeway and Torres have a quick exchange where Janeway asks Torres to boost the transporter |
Twisted | Pass | Janeway, Sandrine, Kes and Torres talk about blowing out candles at Kes’; surprise party/Janeway and Torres talk about the anomaly |
Parturition | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about rescuing Tom and Neelix and about the alien ship |
Persistence of Vision | Pass | Janeway talks with Torres about a potential holodeck malfunction/Janeway talks with Kes about her visions |
Tattoo | Pass | Torres and Janeway talk about finding polyferranide and issues with the fusion reactors |
Cold Fire | Pass | Janeway asks Kes to act as an intermediary with the other Ocampa/Janeway also talks to Suspiria but mostly about the male caretaker |
Maneuvers | Pass | Torres explains to Janeway her plan to use a transporter while travelling at warp. All other conversations between them are about Chakotay. |
Resistance | Fail | |
Prototype | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about the prototype |
Alliances | Pass | Janeway talks to Seska about a potential alliance |
Threshold | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about transwarp flight |
Meld | Fail | Janeway and Torres talk but only about Suder |
Dreadnought | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about Dreadnought/Kes and Wildman talk about baby names |
Death Wish | Pass | Janeway and Torres set up a containment field |
Lifesigns | Pass | Denara apologizes to Torres for the time the Vidiians experimented on her/also talks to Kes but mostly about the Doctor |
Investigations | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about engine core temperature |
Deadlock | Pass | Kes coaches Wildman during labour/Janeway and torres talk about antimatter supply being drained, proton bursts, Kes disappearing, etc./Janeway 1 and Janeway 2 talk about who will sacrifice their ship |
Innocence | Pass | Janeway and First Prelate Alicia make first contact and talk about her people/Janeway and Torres talk about the status of the transporter |
The Thaw | Pass | Janeway and Kes talk about stasis tubes/Janeway and Kes talk to Torres about her and Kim going into stasis/Torres and Kes monitor Kim |
Tuvix | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about what went wrong with the transporter/Janeway explains symbiogenesis to Kes |
Resolutions | Pass | Torres lectures Ensign Swinn on the quality of her work |
Basics Part I | Pass | Janeway and Torres create an illusion of Talaxian ships |
Season 3: 65.4% Pass (73.1%)

Episode | Pass? | Notes |
Basics Part II | Pass | Janeway and Wildman talk about the baby/Janeway recruits Torres to sprint |
Flashback | Fail* | Borderline. Near the end Janeway talks to the Doctor and Kes about the virus. Kes clearly talks to Janeway but Janeway is talking mostly to the Doctor |
The Chute | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about how to find evidence of how the explosion happened/Piri tells Janeway where the prison is |
The Swarm | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about the shields, the particle wave, the anti-matter-reaction chamber and why the shuttle was attacked/Kes also talks to Janeway and Torres but only about the Doctor |
False Profits | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about restabilizing the wormhole |
Remember | Pass | Torres, Jessen and Mirell talk about the beauty of Enara Prime/Janeway and Torres talk about Torres’ dreams |
The Q and the Grey | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about shield modifications/Torres talks about female Q about ship modifications (only counts if you consider Q her name) |
Sacred Ground | Fail | Janeway talks only to unnamed women characters (like “The Guide.”) |
Future’s End Part I | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about disabling Starling’s downlink |
Future’s End Part II | Fail* | In a staff meeting, Janeway says to the room that she wants the timeship and Torres replies transporters are still down |
Warlord | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about shields. The rest is debatable because it’s difficult to determine if Kes counts as male or female while possessed by Tieran |
Macrocosm | Fail | |
Fair Trade | Fail | |
Alter Ego | Pass | Janeway and Torres try to figure out the problem with the ship’s propulsion, try to track down Marayna |
Coda | Fail | Janeway talks to people she sees but they can’t see or hear her |
Blood Fever | Pass | Only very brief exchange where Janeway orders Torres to stake a claim to gallicite on a new planet |
Unity | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about Borg technology |
Darkling | Fail | Janeway and Kes talk, but only about Zahir |
Rise | Fail | |
Favorite Son | Pass | Torres asks Kes what she (Torres) is doing in sickbay/Janeway talks to Lyris about the Nasari |
Before and After | Pass | Kes talks with daughter Linnis/Torres and Janeway talk about Kes’ jumps through time |
Real Life | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about the transporters |
Distant Origin | Fail | Five women have lines but none to each other |
Displaced | Pass | Taleen welcomes Janeway and crew to prison/Janeway, Kes and Torres talk about their treatment |
Worst Case Scenario | Pass | Seska hologram talks to Kes and Torres/Janeway talks to Torres about Seska’s holonovel |
Scorpion Part I | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about transporting the away team/Kes tells Janeway about her premonitions |
Season 4: 92.3% Pass (92.3%)

Episode | Pass? | Notes |
Scorpion Part II | Pass | Janeway negotiates with Seven/Kes and Janeway talk about Kes sensing the Borg |
The Gift | Pass | Janeway talks to Kes about her new powers and to Seven about becoming human/Torres talks to Seven about Borg technology |
Day of Honor | Pass | Janeway talks to Seven about the Borg/Torres talks to Seven about Borg atrocities/Torres and Janeway talk about the warp core |
Nemesis | Pass | Janeway orders Torres to check a system/Karya and Marna also exchange lines but it’s about a group of men who have kidnapped other men. So overall barely a pass |
Revulsion | Fail | |
The Raven | Pass | Janeway talks to Seven about pottery and relaxing/Torres and Janeway discover a Borg data link |
Scientific Method | Pass | Torres confronts Seven over changes to power relays/Janeway and Seven talk about science stuff/Janeway argues with Alzen and Tazar about their experiments |
Year of Hell Part I | Pass | Torres and Seven talk about the turbolift/Seven talks with Janeway and Torres about astrometrics readings |
Year of Hell Part II | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about the astrometric database and leaving the nebula/Janeway and Torres talk about the nacelles |
Random Thoughts | Pass | Nimira questions Janeway and Torres/Seven and Janeway talk about Starfleet’s principles on first contact |
Concerning Flight | Pass | Torres and Janeway talk about the diagnostic assembly |
Mortal Coil | Pass | Naomi and Ensign Wildman talk about bedtime/Seven and Wildman talk about Naomi growing/Seven and Janeway talk about socializing |
Waking Moments | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about a dampening field/Seven and Janeway talk about collective unconsciousness |
Message in a Bottle | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about the relay network |
Hunters | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about a transmission/Torres and Janeway talk about an anti-thoron burst and a singularity |
Prey | Pass | Janeway and Seven argue about what to do with the Hirogen ship and species 8472 |
Retrospect | Pass | Janeway talks to Seven about how to discipline her for hitting Covin |
The Killing Game Part I | Pass | Janeway orders Seven to freshen up (alternate identities) and they talk about resistance efforts/Janeway and Torres (alt) talk about layout of Nazi HQ |
The Killing Game Part II | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about the Hirogen |
Vis a Vis | Fail | |
The Omega Directive | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about the Omega Directive and the Omega molecule’s significance to Seven |
Unforgettable | Pass | Kellin talks with Seven and Janeway about her situation |
Living Witness | Pass | Holo-Janeway orders Holo-Seven to destroy the Kyrians |
Demon | Pass | Torres and Janeway talk about a science experiment and preparations to land the ship/Janeway talks to Seven about beaming deuterium from the planet |
One | Pass | Seven talks to Janeway about a nebula and about being left with the Doctor while everyone else goes into stasis |
Hope and Fear | Pass | Janeway and Seven play velocity and talk about the results/Janeway and Torres talk about the Dauntless/Seven and Torres talk about getting back to Earth/Seven and Janeway talk about how to escape Arturis and the Borg |
Season 5: 100% Pass (100%)

Episode | Pass? | Notes |
Night | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk in astrometrics/Torres and Seven refuse to let Janeway sacrifice herself/Janeway also hails Engineering and Torres responds |
Drone | Pass | Torres and Seven talk in the shuttle and astrometrics/Janeway and Seven talk about the drone and what to do with it |
Extreme Risk | Pass | Seven talks to Janeway about the Malons’ activities/Janeway talks to Torres in Sickbay |
In the Flesh | Pass | Janeway talks to Seven about preparing for war and cultural diplomacy with Species 8472 |
Once Upon a Time | Pass | Naomi and Wildman talk over the comm line/Seven and Naomi talk in the Mess Hall/Torres speaks during the staff meeting but to the entire group |
Timeless | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about the phase corrections Kim sent. Barely a pass |
Infinite Regress | Pass | Some parts are debatable because Seven acts as other characters including a male Ferengi and an unnamed wife. But Seven also talks to Naomi, Torres and Janeway in different scenes as herself |
Nothing Human | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about downloads from the alien ship/Janeway and Torres talk about Janeway’s decision |
Thirty Days | Pass | Debatable. The Delaneys talk with each other in the Captain Proton holoprogram but we don’t know which one is which just by this episode |
Counterpoint | Pass | Seven and Janeway talk about rematerializing the refugees/Janeway and Torres talk about a pulse from the arraytd> |
Latent Image | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about individuality and the unknown alien species/Torres and Jetal talk over the comm in a flashback/Torres and Janeway also talk but only about the Doctor |
Bride of Chaotica | Pass | Janeway, Seven and Torres have a conversation about the “subspace sandbar” and the holodeck fluctuation |
Gravity | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about going to warp and about the countdown/Janeway asks Seven some quick questions/all three have lines but either directed to everyone or not acknowledged verbally |
Bliss | Pass | Seven and Naomi talk about the Delta Flyer and people acting weird/Seven and Janeway talk about the wormhole |
Dark Frontier | Pass | Seven, Janeway and Torres talk to each other several times (e.g. on the Borg ship debris and the away mission)/Seven talks to the Borg Queen/Naomi talks to Seven and Janeway |
The Disease | Pass | Seven calls Janeway to astrometrics/Torres and Janeway talk about plasma couplings and microfractures |
Course:Oblivion | Pass | Duplicate Torres and Seven talk about work and relationships/Duplicate Torres and Janeway talk about the overall situation/Duplicate Janeway and Seven about modified nanoprobes |
The Fight | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about chaotic space |
Think Tank | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about long-range scans |
Juggernaut | Pass | Torres and Seven talk about the control room/Janeway and Torres talk about storage tanks |
Someone to Watch Over Me | Pass | Torres confronts Seven about her activities/Janeway talks to Seven about dating and the fight with Torres |
Eleven Fifty Nine | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about the Millennium Gate and Shannon O’Donnell |
Relativity | Pass | Torres talks with Seven about temporal distortions and to Janeway about warp drive/Janeway asks Seven about the briefing room |
Warhead | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about Seven’s plan/Janeway asks Torres about the AI in engineering |
Equinox Part I | Pass | Naomi welcomes Gilmore on board/Janeway’s conversation with Seven is all about Ransom |
Season 6: 88.5% Pass (88.5%)

Episode | Pass? | Notes |
Equinox Part II | Fail | |
Survival Instinct | Pass | Torres and Seven talk about Seven’s new haul and feelings about the past/Janeway and Seven talk about the ex-Borg/Seven also talks to Naomi and Marikah |
Barge of the Dead | Pass | Torres speaks with Janeway several times and the image of her mother, Miral |
Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy | Pass | Torres and Seven talk about a warp core breach (in the Doctor’s fantasy) but all other conversations between women are about the Doctor |
Alice | Pass | Janeway talks with Seven about where Tom was headed/Torres and Janeway talk but mostly about Tom |
Riddles | Pass | Seven and Janeway talk about isotopes and the Ba’Neth |
Dragon’s Teeth | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about the stasis pod, and at the end about the overall situation |
One Small Step | Pass | Seven and Janeway talk about the dangers and the Delta Flyer/Torres and Janeway talk about retrieving the Delta Flyer |
The Voyager Conspiracy | Pass | Torres, Seven and Janeway talk about the photonic fleas/Seven talks to Janeway about her various suspicions |
Pathfinder | Pass | Barely passes. Seven talks with Janeway over the comm about the micro-warmhole |
Fair Haven | Fail | Janeway chats with Frannie but about Michael, as well as with an unnamed female vendor, again about Michael. In the scene in astrometrics the women don’t converse with each other |
Blink of an Eye | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk to each other about the planet in a scene that includes Chakotay/Seven and Naomi talk about “the weird planet” |
Virtuoso | Pass | Janeway talks with Tincoo about repairs/Seven talks to Janeway about fan mail, though a bit of the discussion is about the Doctor |
Memorial | Pass | Barely passes. Janeway and Seven have three lines of dialogue with each other at one point in astrometrics. The other times are in group scenes. |
Tsunkatse | Pass | Barely passes. Seven and Torres direct one line to each other about Tsunkatse. Torres and Janeway also have one line but in a scene with Chakotay and it’s not clear they’re talking to each other specifically. |
Collective | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about the Borg children/Janeway and Torres talk about the away team and knocking out the tractor beam |
Spirit Folk | Pass | Janeway asks Torres for a report. Torres and Janeway talk about whether the holodeck characters could’ve turned violent. All other lines are directed to the group as a whole |
Ashes to Ashes | Pass | Ballard and Janeway have several long conversations/Seven reprimands Mezoti/Torres and Ballard talk about the dilithium matrix |
Child’s Play | Pass | Debatable. All of Janeway/Seven/Yifay’s dialogue is about Icheb. Most of Janeway’s dialogue with Seven is also about Icheb but they also discuss Icheb’s and Seven’s parents |
Good Shepherd | Pass | Seven talks to Janeway about Tal Celes/Janeway chats with Tal several times |
Live Fast and Prosper | Pass | Janeway talks with Dala in the brig about being impersonated/Torres and Janeway talk about the problems cropping up |
Muse | Fail | Torres talks with Kellis’ girlfriend but she’s unnamed/the actresses playing Janeway and Seven have dialogue in the play but we don’t know the actresses’ names |
Fury | Pass | Past and present Janeways talk to older Kes/Past Torres talks to Kes about getting familiar with the ship/Past Janeway talks to Past Wildman about a plan to fight the Vidiians |
Life Line | Pass | Seven talks to Janeway about the data stream/Troi and Haley chat, but mostly about Zimmerman |
The Haunting of Deck 12 | Pass | Seven accuses Celes of causing a problem/Janeway and Seven discuss the life form’s motives |
Unimatrix Zero, Part I | Pass | Seven, Torres and Janeway talk about Unimatrix Zero, Seven talks with Laura inside Unimatrix Zero, Borg Queen tries to negotiate with Janeway |
Season 7: 83.3% Pass (87.5%)

Episode | Pass? | Notes |
Unimatrix Zero Part II | Pass | Borg Queen continues to negotiate with Janeway/Seven and Janeway talk about Unimatrix Zero/Torres and Janeway talk about the Borg cube |
Imperfection | Pass | Mezoti and Seven say goodbye/Janeway and Seven talk about Seven’s damaged node and her place on the ship/Seven and Torres talk about death |
Drive | Pass | Seven and Torres talk about the next race (also about Tom, which doesn’t count) |
Repression | Pass | Torres and Jor talk about the planet and evacuating the Stafleet crew |
Critical Care | Fail | Janeway and Torres only talk about the Doctor/The other female characters Janeway talks to are unnamed |
Inside Man | Pass | Troi interrogates Leosa/Seven talks to Janeway briefly about the shields |
Body and Soul | Fail* | Debatable. Seven talks to Jaryn and Janeway, but only when her body is being controlled by the Doctor. |
Nightingale | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about the impulse upgrades |
Flesh and Blood | Pass | Torres and Kejal talk about stereotypes/Torres and Seven talk about a feedback surge/Torres and Janeway talk about the holograms |
Shattered | Pass | Janeway has four short conversations with adult Naomi/Janeway addresses Borg Seven but Seven’s replies are directed at the group as a whole |
Lineage | Pass | Janeway congratulates Torres and offers her time off/Torres and her female cousin talk (she is not named in the show but in the credits is named Elizabeth) |
Repentance | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk about how Seven’s feeling, the Nygeans, and warp core analysis |
Prophecy | Pass | Janeway talks with Torres about the Klingons’ hunger strike |
The Void | Pass | Seven and Torres talk about what to do with the additional power/Seven and Janeway talk about the “theft”Janeway compliments Seven’s cooking |
Workforce Part I | Pass | Brainwashed Janeway talks to Seven about the input error. Only one line each so barely passes. |
Workforce Part II | Pass | Brainwashed Janeway and Seven talk about Janeway removing equipment from the premises |
Human Error | Pass | Janeway and Seven talk several times about work-related matters |
Q2 | Fail | Torres directs lines to Janeway a few times but she doesn’t reply directly to Torres |
Author, Author | Pass | Jenkins orders Torrey-Torres to decompile the EMH’s program/Seven talks to Aunt Irene |
Friendship One | Pass | Barely Passes. Seven and Torres speak up during the meeting but Torres only has one line directed to Janeway/Torres and Janeway work with Otrin to neutralize the radiation |
Natural Law | Pass | Janeway and Torres talk about finding the frequency of the barrier (in a scene with Tuvok)/Janeway and Seven talk about what to do with the people |
Homestead | Pass | Seven and Janeway talk about disrcharges in the asteroid field/Seven talks to Dexa about the image of Talax |
Renaissance Man | Fail | Torres, Seven and Janeway have a few lines together and all about the Doctor’s program. |
Endgame | Pass | The two Janeways talk about coffee and Admiral Janeway’s new plan/Both talk to Seven/Admiral Janeway and Seven talk to the Borg Queen (at different times)/Admiral Janeway talks to future Torres and Miral |