Fun Times at Star Trek Las Vegas

I’m having so much fun at my second year of Star Trek Las Vegas. First, here’s my picture for the Qualcomm XPrize Tricorder Federation. Star Trek: Las Vegas attendees could get their pictures taken and pick the caption to go with it, to support the competition, which is “incentivizing teams to create a Tricorder that will monitor and diagnose numerous conditions from anemia, diabetes (type 2) and pneumonia to tuberculosis and stroke. 

Mary Czerwinski at a podium and Karine Marois as an Andorian TOS officer in front

Here’s a picture of Mary Czerwinski and amazing cosplayer Karine Marois at our “Women in Trek Fandom” panel at Star Trek: Las Vegas on Thursday.

Check out my panel recap at The Mary Sue to find out what the audience and panel felt some of the main issues are for women Trek fans today.

Caricature of Jarrah on a transporter pad in a TOS blue shirt and pants

Here’s the caricature of me by the ridiculously talented Celestia Ward. I had her adapt one of the male figures she had so I got to wear pants and didn’t have such a tiny waist.

Grace Lee Whitney and a Janice Rand cosplayer give the Vulcan salute

How awesome is this? The two Yeoman Rands: Cosplayer Spenser Babb-Biernacki poses with Grace Lee Whitney at Star Trek: Las Vegas.

If you want to see more of my STLV cosplay photos, check out my photo gallery at The Mary Sue!

Last but not least, on the Enterprise panel at Star Trek: Las Vegas, someone asked the guests if they would consider being in an Enterprise musical episode. John Billingsley held his hat out and asked if anyone would pay them to dance. My friend Nick gave him $20 and then proceeded to capture his epic dance in .gif form:

John Billingsley dances on stage at STLV

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